Senior Maria Miller visits Swiss bank, travels through France, arrives in Germany

Like most nights, I fall asleep thinking of the exciting day to come.

This morning, I got out of bed in Zurich, Switzerland, put on my business-casual outfit and went downstairs to find my 20 professional-looking classmates eating breakfast.

Our luggage filled the hotel lobby, and after breakfast we boarded our coach bus and were on our way to The Swiss Bankers Association (SBA) in Basel. There, we were introduced to Richard Hess, director of project digitalization, and Hans-Reudi Mosberger, one of the head asset managers and a member of senior management.

Another day of networking with very established professionals was here.

This was now our third bank visit — Financial Market Authority of Lichtenstein being our first, and Credit Suisse being our second — and yet again, I am filled with new information.

PeeDee listens intently to a presentation.

PeeDee listens intently to a presentation. (Contributed photos)

Maria Miller, center, poses with PeeDee at The Swiss Bankers Association in Basel.

Maria Miller, center, at The Swiss Bankers Association in Basel.

Mr. Hess and Mr. Mosberger informed us that SBA is an umbrella organization for Swiss banks that maintains and promotes the best possible framework conditions for the Swiss financial center. It holds 296 member institutions, 239 of which are banks.

Zurich, Switzerland

Zurich, Switzerland

Not only did we learn about the company, its operations towards digitization and its organizational structure, but also Switzerland’s part in the global spectrum. Switzerland is number one in the world in international wealth management and is just behind Italy in holding the oldest banking sector, dating back to the 18th century. Our finance and accounting majors were right at home, bouncing back and forth with our presenters asking questions and opening discussions.

After leaving SBA, we walked a few blocks with our German guide, Ben. We passed the busy Basel Central Station and headed toward Markthalle, which was an indoor open market of cuisines from all over the world.

I sat with my new friends Ben, Katie, Sigourney and Kellie. From my seat in only a portion of the market hall, I could see an Arepa place next to “Dragon Girl,” which was selling duck and dumplings; a sushi place; Vietnamese street food; and “Thipp’s Thai Cuisine.” The five of us ate our international food while simultaneously quizzing Ben on his German lifestyle.

After lunch, our group boarded the bus again and set forth for Freiburg, Germany, passing through France during our hourlong ride.

Another busy educational day with the experience of three countries in one day was under our belts. As I sit in my hotel room, I reflect on this unique experience, the friends I have made and now the resources available to me, extending beyond ECU’s College of Business in Greenville to networks all over the world.


-by Maria Miller, senior from Clinton, Md., majoring in international business and Hispanic studies
June 14, 2018

