Stacy: Protect yourselves, others during Super Bowl Sunday

Health Sciences vice chancellor says parties have potential to be COVID super-spreader events

Get your defensive line ready: Wash your hands, wear a mask and wait six feet apart.As the COVID-19 pandemic stretches on, all of us have had to set aside meaningful traditions in order to comply with social distancing and other safety guidelines. Those sacrifices range from family events and holiday gatherings to commencement ceremonies and other special academic and career milestones. Although we all want to return to a sense of normalcy and resume our regular lives, I urge you to resist complacency and hold out until it is safe to gather once again.

One of our country’s most anticipated events is Super Bowl Sunday. Beyond the football game, it has long been a chance to join friends and family over food and fellowship.

Super Bowl parties also have the potential to be COVID-19 super-spreader events.

I ask that you do not host or attend any Super Bowl gatherings. Please stay home and celebrate with others virtually.

It is up to us to honor our state and national safety standards, including social distancing, regular hand washing and avoiding large gatherings. At this point, small gatherings are no exception. As representatives of the ECU Division of Health Sciences, we must set an example to our communities through adherence to guidelines and doing our part to help stop the spread.

We are all eager to resume the customs we held “before COVID;” however, respect for our colleagues and peers on the front lines and responsibility to keep everyone safe come first.

I applaud your commitment and resolve to keep our ECU community safe. When we emerge from the pandemic, may we all have a greater sense of appreciation for the people and events that enrich our daily lives.

—Mark Stacy, MD
Vice Chancellor, ECU Division of Health Sciences