Chancellor Mitchelson: Remaining Vigilant

A few weeks ago, we filmed the fall commencement ceremony in Wright Auditorium. I’m thankful to the university staff members who are working hard to make commencement a special, celebratory experience for our approximately 2,000 graduates. The fact that we cannot gather together in Minges Coliseum for commencement and across campus for departmental and college events reminds us that COVID-19 continues to challenge our university, our families, our state and our country.

I am proud of how you all individually and collectively have responded to the many challenges our university has faced during this pandemic. But the challenges remain and will continue through the upcoming holidays and the foreseeable future.

New COVID-19 antibody treatments are being tested at ECU and recent encouraging findings related to potential vaccines have been reported nationally, but we’re not there yet.

As the semester winds down and we head into the holiday season, I want to remind you to stay vigilant against COVID-19. I read an article recently about “pandemic fatigue.” I understand we’re tired and want to gather with our friends, family members and colleagues like we did before the pandemic. However, it is critically important, according to our public health experts, that we do not let our guard down.

We need to remain vigilant and committed to following the 3 Ws – wearing a mask over your nose and mouth, waiting six feet apart, and washing your hands frequently. And we need to remind our friends and family to do the same.

— RonM

Dr. Ron Mitchelson
Interim Chancellor