Brinkley-Lane Scholar: Landon Pierron

East Carolina University’s motto to serve matches Landon Pierron’s long-term goal of becoming a doctor and serving others.

ECU’s excellence in educating students in the health care field along with the many valuable opportunities and connections that Pierron will receive as a Brinkley-Lane Scholar helped him choose ECU, he said. He intends to major in biochemistry with a minor in mathematics, pursuing a pre-medical track.

“I look forward to connecting with professors, establishing mentorship relationships and finding opportunities for research,” he said. “I also look forward to being part of a community that includes the Brody School of Medicine and the ECU Health Medical Center that may provide excellent opportunities to gain practical experience in the medical field.”

Brinkley-Lane Scholars is the most prestigious undergraduate award program offered at ECU. The four-year merit scholarship offers a fully funded education, covering the cost of tuition, fees, room and board for both in-state and out of state students as well as high impact experiences and a $5,000 study abroad stipend. Scholars benefit from access to an array of leadership opportunities, research with award-winning faculty and a robust alumni network.

“Being a Brinkley-Lane Scholar means having the opportunity to grow through close interaction with other scholars,” Pierron said. “I look forward to all the ways I will be encouraged and inspired by my fellow Brinkley-Lane Scholars to be my best self and to find new opportunities to lead and serve others in my community.”

Pierron has experience working at home in Transylvania County as a camp counselor at Bound for Glory, a Christian literacy camp for underserved elementary and middle school students who struggle with reading.

“I helped lead all the typical camp activities: singing songs, roasting s’mores, playing games and also helped direct an archery and theater class,” he said.

Theater has been another meaningful part of Pierron’s life.

“I have loved theater from a young age and in high school my passion only expanded,” having portrayed lead roles in plays and musicals including ‘Hamlet,’ ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress’ and ‘Little Shop of Horrors,’” he said.

This summer, Pierron will perform in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and work as a camp counselor again. He’s also planning to spend time with his friends and family before heading to college this fall.

At ECU, he looks forward to getting involved in Christian clubs like Reformed University Fellowship and medically focused clubs like Med-Pals. “I also hope to tutor and possibly become a teacher’s assistant in the science/chemistry department,” he said.

In addition, he is interested in studying global health in Switzerland, France and Italy and visiting the headquarters of Doctors Without Borders and the World Health Organization. “This matches my interest in health and medicine,” he said.

Pierron, 18, is the son of Grant and Trudy Pierron of Pisgah Forest.

“I look forward to all the ways I will be encouraged and inspired by my fellow Brinkley-Lane Scholars to be my best self and to find new opportunities to lead and serve others in my community.”

High school: North Carolina School of Science and Math-Morganton

Intended major: Biochemistry

Current City: Pisgah Forest

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