Brinkley-Lane Scholar: Greta Bublitz

For Denver resident Greta Bublitz, East Carolina University checked off several of her boxes, with one of the most important being a strong support system.

“ECU and the Honors College offer this support academically and socially,” Bublitz said. “ECU is also part of a developing community where I see the opportunity to make a difference through volunteering in the established health care system.”

Becoming a Brinkley-Lane Scholar only amplified the benefits Bublitz saw in ECU. Housed in the Honors College, the Brinkley-Lane Scholars is the most prestigious undergraduate award program offered at ECU. The four-year merit scholarship offers a fully funded education, covering the cost of tuition, fees, room and board for both in-state and out of state students as well as high impact experiences and a $5,000 study abroad stipend. Scholars benefit from access to an array of leadership opportunities, research with award-winning faculty and a robust alumni network.

“I’m so thankful for the opportunity to be a Brinkley-Lane Scholar, as it allows me to focus on my academic endeavors and to be more impactful through my community involvement,” said the 18-year-old intended chemistry major.

Bublitz was drawn to chemistry for a myriad of reasons, chief among them her interest in pursuing a career in medicine. After completing her chemistry degree, she hopes to attend Brody School of Medicine with the ultimate goal of becoming a pediatric rheumatologist.

“I had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis as a child, and it was difficult to access treatment for it. For this reason, I strive to be part of the initiative that makes rheumatic care more accessible.”

Chemistry was also one of her favorite subjects during her time at North Lincoln High School, and the connections between chemistry and the human body intrigue her. She also credits her chemistry knowledge with helping her become a better baker.

Another passion of hers is music. For several years now, Bublitz has created music in the Charlotte area and played more than 800 live shows. This summer she will continue gigging professionally and hopes to continue performing in Greenville. Her interest in music led her to inquire about the Musical Empowerment student organization at ECU as it would allow her to continue sharing her love of music.

In addition to her music gigs, Bublitz will be working at a coffee shop and teaching music to students while also transferring leadership of her county’s volunteer tutoring service.

Amid her school, work and life commitments, Bublitz has already considered where she may go for her future study abroad trip: Germany.

“My family is German and I’ve been trying to pick up some of the German language as I’ve gotten older,” she said. “I also really love Germany’s food, weather and culture.”

Looking toward her time as a Brinkley-Lane Scholar, Bublitz is most excited for the interactions with her fellow scholars.

“It’ll be enriching to get involved in the community as a cohort, and I believe that it will be a wonderful chance for me to hone my leadership skills, make friends and embrace new perspectives.”

Bublitz is the daughter of Scott and Tracy Bublitz from Denver.

“It’ll be enriching to get involved in the community as a cohort, and I believe that it will be a wonderful chance for me to hone my leadership skills, make friends, and embrace new perspectives.”

High school: North Lincoln High School

Intended major: Chemistry

Current City:  Denver

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