Brody chapter of Gold Humanism Honor Society inducts new members

The East Carolina University Brody School of Medicine chapter of the Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS) recently inducted 12 new members.

Fourth-year medical students Gary Allen, Mona Amin, Kari Beasley, Brandon Garcia, Andrés Gil Bustamante, Hannah Harris, Charles Klose, Atif Mahmood, Jack McKenzie, Kylie Nowicki, Grant O’Brien and Joshua Parker were honored at an induction ceremony at the Brody School of Medicine on Nov. 1.

“Inductees to the GHHS gain membership by peer selection in their third year of medical school,” said Dr. Gregory Hassler, teaching assistant professor and interim faculty co-advisor and member of the GHHS selection committee. “Their selection is based upon their demonstration of empathy, compassion altruism, integrity and service in all of their activities. Members have a responsibility to model, support, and advocate for compassionate patient-centric care.”

During their fourth year, members are responsible for executing a project that exemplifies humanism, participating in National Solidarity Week for Compassionate Patient Care.

Established in 2002 by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation, the GHHS is an international association of individuals and medical school chapters whose members are selected as exemplars of empathy, compassion, altruism, integrity, service, excellence and respect in their relationships with patients and others in the field of medicine.

The Brody chapter of the organization was founded in 2011.

Recent inductees of the Brody School of Medicine's chapter of the Gold Humanism Honor Society were recognized in November.

Recent inductees of the Brody School of Medicine’s chapter of the Gold Humanism Honor Society were recognized in November. (ECU photo by Cliff Hollis)