Spring 2022 COVID-19 Faculty Updates — Jan. 6, 2022
The following memo and attachments contain important information and updates related to operations for Spring 2022 semester for faculty.
Temporary Online Delivery
Throughout this academic year, there may be a need to transition a course/section to temporary online delivery (pause) due to an increase of positive cases in a classroom. Attached is a description of how those decisions will be made.
Medallions – Compliance
The medallion system will be discontinued for this semester. However, proof of compliance can still be ascertained from students. Student may share the documentation in their myPiratechart portal or documentation from their healthcare provider. More information can be found on the attached document of FAQs.
Assessing Your Risk
Please see the Assessing Your Risk document for recommendations from Student Health Services related to your own health, testing and exposures.
- When sick, stay home from work or class. Before coming to work or class, self-assess your health for these symptoms identified by the CDC. If you have symptoms, do not attend work or class, and contact your medical provider. Please notify your chair if you are experiencing these symptoms.
- Follow all directions given by university officials and public health authorities. This includes directions related to testing, contact tracing, and adhering to isolation and quarantine requirements if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, have possible COVID-19 symptoms, close contact of someone diagnosed with COVID-19.
Self-Reporting Form
Please note changes to the self-reporting form and process. Faculty will no longer receive correspondence from the Dean of Students Office when a student self-reports with COVID-19.
- Student will complete the self-report in Pirateport.
- The self-report will be automatically distributed to the faculty members. The new version of the self-report will specify if the student is completing the self-report because they are in isolation or quarantine. Faculty should treat this as they do the flu self-report.
- Faculty should expect to receive a return to class note from students indicating they have been cleared to return to class. The student will still receive a return to class note from SHS (whether in isolation or quarantine). Students who use a provider not with SHS should be expected to produce a return to class note from their healthcare provider. It is the responsibility of the students to present this note to the faculty.
Attached Documents
- Recommendations and potential syllabus language regarding face coverings, seating, and attendance
- How to Handle an Academic Disruption
- How to Contact OSRR
- ECU Faculty Manual
- OSRR Website
- Dean of Students Office
- Student Health Services
- ECU Community Expectations
- myPirateChart Portal
- Assessing Your Risk
- COVID Self-Reporting Form
— Dr. Virginia D. Hardy, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs