SAN recognizes ECU for efforts in regulatory compliance

Charlene Lee, state authorization compliance specialist and SARA coordinator, accepted an award from the WCET State Authorization Network recognizing ECU’s efforts in identifying student location for regulatory compliance and reporting requirements. Pictured from left are Dr. Allen Guidry, Terrence Scarborough of SARA North Carolina, Dan Harrison of the UNC System, Charlene Lee (front row), and Cheryl Dowd and Kathryn Kerensky of WCET SAN. (Contributed photo)
East Carolina University has been recognized by a national organization for its efforts in managing compliance and reporting issues.
Charlene Lee, state authorization compliance specialist and SARA (state authorization reciprocity agreements) coordinator, accepted an award from the WCET State Authorization Network (SAN) recognizing ECU’s efforts in identifying student location for regulatory compliance and reporting requirements. SAN is an arm of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education’s Cooperative for Educational Technologies. The organization assists institutions in their efforts to comply with state and federal laws governing educational operations.
ECU is the first institution in North Carolina to receive a SAN award.
“For ECU to receive this prestigious award shows the commitment of our senior leadership and my colleagues across campus to ensure ECU is complying with Department of Education regulations and the state authorization reciprocity agreements (NC-SARA) requirements,” Lee said. “Overseeing this process is very rewarding as ECU is recognized as the leader in state authorization in North Carolina, and the award has recognized ECU’s continued progress in remaining compliant.”
Lee and ECU were recognized during an awards ceremony in Joyner Library’s Faulkner Gallery on Nov. 8.
Cheryl Dowd, senior director of policy innovations for SAN, said as universities offer more activities outside of the state, including digital learning or out-of-state field experiences, there are interstate compliance requirements to be aware of.
“The purpose of the award is to address the institutions who are creating tools to manage this out-of-state activity compliance issue,” said Dowd.
Lee’s project was titled “Where are ECU’s students?” and involved working with a campuswide team to revise admissions and registration applications to better determine the location of students, providing better information for state authorization reciprocity agreements.
The SANsational Awards, now in their seventh year, showcase good practices and adaptable strategies that institutions may employ to manage a complex regulatory landscape.