Rogers: Fiscal sustainability recommendations

I hope this message finds each of you enjoying a productive summer and looking forward to an exciting fall semester ahead. It has been a joy to engage with many of you in recent months both on campus and in virtual venues. These conversations with university stakeholders have only deepened my commitment to our mission and shared values as an organization. Student success, public service, and regional transformation are what motivate us each day – and I know we are collectively invested in creating the right conditions to ensure we effectively deliver on those objectives.

One of the factors that supports our ability to achieve that mission is the long-term fiscal strength of our institution. To that end, I am pleased to share with you the attached summary of recommendations from the 2021 Fiscal Sustainability Coordinating Committee. Dr. Mike Van Scott and every member of the coordinating committee deserve our immense thanks for a thoughtful and deliberate process resulting in these recommendations. This group of Pirates fulfilled their charge and provided university constituencies with ample opportunities for input. I am grateful for their service and dedication to the long-term fiscal health of our institution.

This communication is meant to acknowledge receipt of the recommendations and clarify no decisions have been made regarding any of the proposed actions in the report.

We now pivot from the work of the coordinating committee to a time of deliberation and prioritization. I approach this phase with the ongoing commitment to a united ECU that is mission-aligned, future-focused, and innovation-driven. There are a wide array of potential outcomes as we consider next steps with the report: For example, some recommendations may be implemented exactly as stated, others may be amended, or there may be instances where some recommendations are never implemented. Context, timing, the potential return on investment, and emerging opportunities are among the many factors and considerations that must be contemplated as we now seek to take the good work of the coordinating committee and translate it into meaningful outcomes for the University.

My commitment is to provide the campus with ongoing updates, engage shared governance structures, and adapt as needed around our shared values as we serve the students and the region. Thanks to the entire campus community for actively engaging in this adaptive dialogue and helping shape the future of our institution.

— Chancellor Philip G. Rogers