Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Search Committee

As announced during our last Board of Trustees meeting, I am pleased to share that we are launching a national search for our next permanent Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.  This role is critical to the university’s future, and I am committed to partnering with our community to identify a strategic and innovative academic leader who will authentically advance our mission of student success, public service, and regional transformation.

The first step in this important endeavor is to appoint a search committee to navigate the process. I am grateful that Dr. Chris Buddo has agreed to guide this effort as chair of the committee.   We have also identified and named a talented group of leaders representing a wide array of campus stakeholders to participate as members of the search committee. My thanks to the following individuals for their willingness to serve.

Search Committee – Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor

  • Chris Buddo (Chair) – Dean, College of Fine Arts and Communication
  • Purificación Martínez – Chair of the Faculty/Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences
  • Loni Crumb – Assistant Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Professions, College of Education
  • Sambuddha Banerjee – Teaching Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences
  • Keith L. Keene – Associate Professor/Director, Center for Health Disparities, Brody School of Medicine
  • Angela Lamson – Professor, Department of Child Development & Family Relations, College of Health and Human Performance
  • Jason Poole – Board of Trustees
  • Michael Harris – Director, Miller School of Entrepreneurship, College of Business
  • TJ Mohammed – Chair, Department of Technology Systems, College of Engineering and Technology
  • Sylvia Brown – Dean, College of Nursing
  • Mary Farwell – Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research Compliance, Division of Research, Economic Development and Engagement
  • Sarah Williams – Executive Director, Office for Faculty Excellence & The STEPP Program
  • Chandler Ward – President, Student Government Association
  • Wendy Sergeant – Assistant Vice Chancellor for Personnel and Resource Administration, Division of Academic Affairs
  • Stephanie Whaley – Assistant Vice Chancellor and Director, Undergraduate Admissions

We have engaged the support of a national leader in this space, Storbeck Search, to assist the committee with this important process. A timeline will emerge soon once the committee work begins in earnest, but it is my expectation we will bring finalists to campus during the fall term and have a permanent Provost seated early in 2022. I look forward to a productive and thoughtful search process and extend my thanks in advance to all members of the campus community for your support as we identify the leadership qualities and characteristics desired in our next permanent Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Thank you for your continued commitment to East Carolina University and our mission!

— Chancellor Philip Rogers