More than 40 faculty members honored at annual University Teaching Awards ceremony
East Carolina University honored its outstanding teachers, mentors and researchers during the annual University Teaching Awards ceremony on April 8.
“At the heart of every great university is a great faculty,” said Chancellor Cecil Staton. “What a pleasure and privilege it’s been to work with the faculty across this university.”
More than 40 ECU faculty members were recognized, including Dr. David Wilson-Okamura, professor of English in the Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, who received the UNC Board of Governor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching — the highest teaching award given at the university.
Wilson-Okamura and his wife, Tricia, joined the ECU faculty in 2002; he in English, she in classics. In accepting the award, he said she was the one who really should receive it.

At left, Dr. Christopher Rivera, associate professor in the Department of Special Education, Foundations and Research in the College of Education, shakes hands with Dr. Jay Golden, vice chancellor of research, economic development and engagement, after receiving his Scholar-Teacher Award.
Wilson-Okamura’s research specialty is the Renaissance. He has published two books, and articles on Shakespeare, Dante, the Roman poet Virgil, Arthurian romance and Edmund Spenser. Before his presentation, organizers played a video with testimonials from his students, who talked about how he can bring subjects like poetry and Shakespeare to life, making class speed by.
During his acceptance, Wilson-Okamura shared a slideshow that included photos of colleagues on his hall, who he said all deserve accolades, noting a lot of great teaching happens during office hours. He also recognized Dr. Michael Murrin, his graduate school mentor, who now is battling dementia.
When asked about his greatest accomplishment, Wilson-Okamura quoted Plato: “It is better to write on the hearts of young people than on paper.” He said the students he has taught who are now teachers themselves in locations from Pitt County to China are his greatest influences.
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Board of Governor’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching. Wilson-Okamura was selected as one of 17 representing all of North Carolina’s public universities and the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. He will receive a commemorative bronze medallion and a $12,500 cash prize to be awarded during ECU’s spring graduation ceremony.
ECU has recognized excellence in education through teaching awards since 1971.
“Students at ECU have the opportunity to learn from faculty who challenge, equip, support and encourage them to not only seek excellence in the classroom but also to make a positive difference in the communities they serve, the nation and the world,” said Provost Ron Mitchelson. “The success of our students is the prime directive of ECU.”

Scholar-Teacher Award winner Dr. Bhibha Das, assistant professor of kinesiology, center, is congratulated by College of Health and Human Performance Dean Anisa Zvonkovic, left, and Stacey Altman, chair of the Department of Kinesiology.
During the ceremony in the Murphy Center, several awards were presented, including the ECU Alumni Association’s Robert L. Jones Award for Outstanding Teaching, which went to Brittany Thompson of the College of Fine Arts and Communication. The alumni association’s Awards for Outstanding Teaching were presented to Dr. Christy Howard in the College of Business and Dr. Cynthia Wagoner in the College of Fine Arts and Communication.
The Max Ray Joyner Award for Excellence in Teaching Distance Education was presented to Dr. Johna Faulconer in the College of Education. Faulconer was selected from a group of five nominees who have shown a commitment and enthusiasm in teaching and mentoring off-campus students and who have demonstrated excellence in the delivery of distance education courses.
The Board of Governors Distinguished Professor for Teaching Awards were presented to the following ECU faculty members:
- Dr. Mauro Falasca, College of Business
- Dr. Anthony Kennedy, Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences
- Dr. Andrea Kitta, Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences
- Dr. Nicholas Rupp, Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences
- Dr. Teresa Ryan, College of Engineering and Technology
- Dr. Catherine Schwartz, College of Education
Ten faculty members were recognized with Scholar-Teacher Awards for engaging students in research, incorporating research in their teaching and demonstrating the synergy between scholarship and teaching. The following were selected from their college or school:
- Dr. April Blakeslee, Department of Biology
- Dr. Bhibha Das, Department of Kinesiology
- Dr. Erin Frost, Department of English
- Dr. Young Joo Kim, Department of Occupational Therapy
- Dr. Christine Kowalczyk, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management
- Dr. Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature
- Dr. Brian Massey, School of Communication
- Dr. Christopher Rivera, Department of Special Education, Foundations and Research
- Dr. Holly Wei, Department of Advanced Nursing Practice and Education
- Dr. Zhen Zhu, Department of Engineering
“The legacy of this university is shown in the type of experiences that have been shared tonight,” Mitchelson said.
The awards ceremony was sponsored by the Office of the Chancellor and the Academic Council.

Ten faculty members were recognized with Scholar-Teacher Awards for engaging students in research, incorporating research in their teaching and demonstrating the synergy between scholarship and teaching.