Student: Markus Mosley

Markus Mosley and other students delivered a check for $400 and over 500 books to the Police Athletic League.
“I aspire to inspire,” said Markus Mosley, a senior biology major with a concentration in molecular cell biology and a certificate in entrepreneurship at East Carolina University.
Mosley has been involved with multiple organizations and held various leadership roles during his time as a Pirate.
Mosley came to ECU on a scholarship to run as a short sprinter and high hurdler on the track team. Following an injury that ended his track career before his junior year, Mosley began to look in other areas to get involved in on campus.
“When that door closed, so many other doors opened and I grew as a person exponentially,” Mosley said.
He didn’t just settle for joining one club or even just being a member. Mosley is the Student Government Association Chief of Staff and representative for the College of Human Health and Performance, Service Leadership Assistant for Pirate P.A.L.S, Peer Career Leader through Career Services and is a part of ECU Ambassadors and Elite Pirates. While being involved in so many organizations, he has made both the Dean’s List and the Chancellor’s List and was named a Chancellor’s Student Leadership Academy Scholar.
Through Elite Pirates, Mosley accomplished one of his proudest goals. He helped come up with the idea to get students involved in Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma relief efforts in a unique way. Students could donate their Pirate Bucks to a fund for Florida and Texas, which were damaged by the hurricanes. The effort raised around $4,800 in less than two days.
His most recent goal was through Pirate P.A.L.S. On March 29th, he and other students gifted the Police Athletic League with $400 and over 500 books in hopes to emphasize the importance of reading to the youth involved in the program. According to their website, PAL is a youth crime prevention program that utilizes educational, athletic and recreational activities to create trust and understanding between police officers and youth.
It takes extreme dedication to maintain high grades in a challenging field and be involved with five organizations.
“My alarm goes off at 4:15 a.m. in the morning and I’m up by 4:30 a.m.,” said Mosley.
His ultimate goal is to attend the ECU School of Dental Medicine.
“The most contagious thing you can give someone is a smile,” said Mosley while wearing his own smile.
Giving others a smile starts with being able to give yourself one too, according to Mosley.
“If you say a certain amount of ‘I ams’ in the morning like ‘I am talented,’ ‘I am beautiful,’ ‘I am handsome,’ ‘I am charismatic,’ you will bring forth these things,” Mosley said.
He says he truly believes that the power of the mind is no joke and what you reap you will sow.
“My biggest goal is to create a legacy. Whether that be here (at ECU), through dentistry or through philanthropy,” Mosley said.
Mosley says that his experience at ECU has been humbling and one he wouldn’t trade for the world.
“From this school I’ve been able to create and mold myself and I feel like I’m ready to tackle anything. I will bleed purple and gold until I die,” Mosley said.
What advice do you have for other students?: If you’re going to be anything be yourself. Perspective is everything. Leadership isn’t easy, you will have many failures and some people may disappoint you but challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you’ve failed by default.
College: Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Biology
Age: 23
Classification/Year: Senior
Hometown: Garner
Hobbies/interests: Volunteering, watching movies, working out at the gym
Clubs and Organizations: Elite Pirates, ECU Ambassadors, SGA, Pirate P.A.L.S.
Favorite hangout: Center for Leadership & Civic Engagement
Favorite place on campus: Dining halls, food courts, anywhere there’s food
Favorite place to eat: La Ribera for Taco Tuesday
Favorite class: Biological Chemistry, CHEM 2770
Professor who influenced you the most: Corey Pulido, College of Business
Favorite TV show: “Black-ish”
Favorite band/musician: Earth, Wind, and Fire
Favorite movie: “Spiderman”
Favorite website: Motivational videos on YouTube
Dream job: Orthodontist
The one thing you cannot live without: Music
Role model: James Henry Mosley, a devoted husband, an inspiring father and my beloved grandfather
Your words to live by: “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill