Student: Jonathan Bullock

Jonathan Bullock is a true Pirate through it all. He completed his undergraduate degree at ECU in Athletic Training and is currently a graduate student majoring in Physician Assistant Studies. While starting the process of looking into PA school, he only applied to ECU.


“I think it’s the best program in the state,” he said.
This Fayetteville native has always considered himself family-oriented and personable guy growing up. Both at home and school, he shares a close relationship with his brother who attends ECU as well, majoring in Computer Science. Bullock is very close with his mother and considers her as his best friend.
He played sports throughout high school, which sparked his interest in athletic training. After learning more about the athletic training field, he realized he really liked the diagnosing part of it.
“When I was a freshman my advisor was like, ‘Hey, if you think that you’ll ever go to med school or PA school, take these classes.’ So I took those classes and I did well,” Bullock said. “I shadowed a doctor and I was like PA school sounds like it would be a really nice thing. So I applied, and I love it.”
Bullock was a Resident Advisor all four years of his undergraduate career. He lived on Central Campus in Fleming Hall. During his freshman year his residence hall won King and Queen of the Halls, which is something he’s very proud of. Throughout the RA experience, he developed team building, leadership, and time management skills throughout the four years from working with both the staff and residents.
“I had a very good relationship. I would communicate the things that I would accept and the things I wouldn’t accept. I think people understood that,” Bullock said.
Fast-forward to the present, Bullock says he feels he is prepared for clinical year with only six months left until graduation. Currently in rotation, he’s seen a lot of things that have opened his eyes about the world today.
“One of the craziest things that I’ve noticed is how much money effects medicine,” he said.
Bullock wishes healthcare was affordable for all patients, minus the ramifications that might come with that. He also thinks patients should be more responsible in trying to prevent disease processes and willing to learn about prevention techniques and knowledge of symptoms.
Bullock is a current member of the North Carolina Academy of Physician Assistants and East Carolina University Physician Assistant Student Society. He is also a recipient of the Louise O. Burevitch Scholarship and Dr. Dale Newton Scholarship.

What is something cool about ECU that you wish you knew during your first year?
  I would have loved to know all of the resources ECU has to offer such as the North Rec Complex, where you can kayak, stand up paddle board, grill, play corn hole, or zip line.

What advice do you have for other students?
 Dive in.  Stay involved on campus and try to shadow or get some experience in the field you are trying to pursue to see if it something you are interested in.


This Pirate is educating patients on disease prevention as a physician assistant in training


Written by: Bre Lewis
Photography by: Rhett Butler


College: College of Allied Health Sciences

Major: Physician Assistant Studies

Age: 24

Classification/Year: Graduate student

Hometown: Fayetteville, NC

Hobbies & Interests: I enjoy working out, singing karaoke, dancing, intramural sports, interprofessional medical events, and understanding people’s passions.

Clubs & Organizations: North Carolina Academy of Physician Assistants, National Athletic Trainer’s Association


Favorite place to eat: Christy’s Euro Pub

Favorite Movie: “Goodwill Hunting.” I saw this movie recently and felt the movie was still powerful and had a meaningful plot.

Favorite website: Spotify

Favorite place on campus: Health sciences student center on west campus

Favorite hangout: Salsa dancing at Crave

Favorite class: Clinical Medicine 1

Favorite TV show: “This Is Us”

Favorite band/musician: Usher has old and new music I like.  I really enjoy a soulful singer and am starting to branch out into other genres.  Musiq Soulchild, Leon Bridges, Sam Smith, John Legend, Chris Stapleton.


Professor who influenced you the most: Hard to say due to how close our faculty student relationship is. Was able to gain pros from many of my professors.

The one thing you cannot live without: Social contact with other people.

Dream Job: A job where I help patients daily and love going to work.

Role model: My mother. She has shown me how to work hard and stay focused on the goal. She has supported me in everything and has shown me how to be thankful for everything.

Your words to live by: Treat people how you would want your mother to be treated and keep faith in God because he always has a plan.