ECU assistant dean awarded AAMC fellowship

The assistant dean for undergraduate medical education assessment and outcomes at the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University has been selected to participate in a national leadership certificate program.
Dr. Stephen Charles was recently named a 2017 Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Fellow by a panel of his peers in the Southern Group on Educational Affairs, a regional division of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).

Dr. Stephen Charles. (Contributed photo)

Dr. Stephen Charles. (Contributed photo)

The LEAD Program is an intensive, one-year, cohort-based leadership development certificate program that provides a firm foundation in the best practices and recognized theoretical models of effective educational leadership that are key to advancing medical education at all levels. LEAD is offered in four concurrent cohorts, one based in each of the four regions of the AAMC Group on Educational Affairs. Across the nation 107 fellows have completed the program since 2009.
Charles joined the Brody School of Medicine in 2016. In his role as assistant dean, he leads efforts to develop, implement and maintain an active outcomes assessment program and to grow a portfolio of scholarship related to current and future medical education innovations and changes.
He also serves as the liaison between Brody’s Office of Medical Education, the ECU Office of Simulation and Safety Education, and the ECU Office of Clinical Skills Assessment and Education; and he collaborates with other education leaders across the ECU Division of Health Sciences to assess and enhance interprofessional education.
Charles is certified as a health care simulation educator and as a medical education researcher. He currently serves on the board of directors for the Association of Standardized Patient Educators and as chair of the Interprofessional Education Affinity Group for the Society for Simulation in Healthcare.
“I’m honored to be chosen for this prestigious fellowship, and I’m excited to represent ECU and the Brody School of Medicine,” said Charles. “I look forward to gaining more knowledge, skills and experience that I can share with my colleagues to help us all become more effective educational leaders.”
The AAMC is a not-for-profit association dedicated to transforming health care through innovative medical education, cutting-edge patient care, and groundbreaking medical research. Its members comprise a range of academic and medical institutions, including all 147 accredited U.S. and 17 accredited Canadian medical schools and nearly 400 major teaching hospitals and health systems.
-by Amy Ellis, University Communication