Student: Allison Flowers

Business was not Allison Flowers’ first passion. Growing up, Flowers was surrounded by the sound of music.

“My mother was the music minister at our church, and I always looked up to her,” said Flowers.

A native of Wilmington, Flowers has always enjoyed reading and being an active student. In high school, she played the clarinet and decided to attend East Carolina University for its music program after being selected for the Honors College and EC Scholars, the most prestigious undergraduate award program offered at ECU. The four-year, full-tuition merit scholarship recognizes outstanding academic performance, commitment to community engagement and strong leadership skills.

“I started out my freshman year at the School of Music, but towards the end of the year, I participated in a Forever Pirates trip to New York City and met with business professionals and alumni from ECU,” she said. “That sparked my interest in business, so I decided to explore the College of Business.”

During her sophomore year, Flowers decided to major in both music performance and business marketing, which will allow her to pursue a career that combines her love of music and business.

“I want to work in music marketing, music production or music funding. I want to get experience working in my field before I pursue a master’s or doctoral degree, but those are definitely in my future,” she said. “I also would love to teach at the university level, especially since my professors have helped me so much, and it would be nice to be able to give back to students in the same way.”

One way that Flowers has given back is through the Honors College and EC Scholars service component, which requires students to volunteer and participate in outreach organizations.

Over the last four years, Flowers has worked more than 130 hours with Greenville area community organizations. As part of the Residential Scholar Community Service program, she completed more than 50 hours of service with New Independence Academy and the Food Bank of Central and Eastern N.C.

In fall 2013, Flowers worked on a semester-long service project with the Pamlico-Tar River Foundation. Last spring, she also completed more than 50 volunteer hours with Third Street Educational Center for the EC Scholars Leadership Internship.

“Throughout my life, I’ve always believed that giving back was important. In my internship and through other outreach opportunities, I have been able to give back to the ECU community and to other Greenville residents,” said Flowers.

On campus, Flowers plays the clarinet in ECU’s symphony orchestra.

“As a music performance major, playing for ECU has been an amazing experience and opportunity for me. It allows me to keep doing what I love while still being able to pursue my interest in business,” she said.

Flowers is president of the American Marketing Association and vice president of Beta Gamma Sigma at ECU. She is also a member of Phi Kappa Phi and Pi Kappa Lambda. She is set to graduate in spring 2018.



What advice do you have for other students?: Don’t be afraid to dig in and really go after your goals. Now is the time to work hard to make your dreams reality. Hard work and persistence pays off, but also don’t forget to spend time with the people in your life who truly matter.

What is something cool about ECU that you wish you knew during your first year?: During my freshman year at ECU, I wish someone had told me to not be afraid to take advantage of all of the opportunities offered by ECU. There are countless groups and organizations supported by ECU that students can join. Finding a group of students with something in common with you can help you to make new friends, gain opportunities for growth, and really make the most of your undergraduate experience.

This Pirate combines interests in business and music


Written by: Sophronia Knott
Photography by: Cliff Hollis 


Name: Allison Flowers

College: College of Business/School of Music

Major: Business Marketing and Music Performance

Age: 21 

Classification/Year: Senior 

Hometown: Wilmington, NC 

Hobbies & Interests: Music, yoga, travel

Clubs & Organizations: American Marketing Association (President), EC Scholars, Honors College, ECU Symphony Orchestra, Phi Kappa Phi, Pi Kappa Lambda, Beta Gamma Sigma (Vice President)


Favorite hangout: Starbucks

Favorite place on campus: Window seats on the third floor of Bate where you can see the whole central campus from a bird’s eye view

Favorite place to eat: Zoe’s Kitchen

Favorite class: Music of the World’s People

Professor who influenced you the most: Dr. Lori Wacker; I used to hate music theory class, but she helped me to love it and see why it is important!

Favorite TV show: Mozart in the Jungle

Favorite band/musician: twenty one pilots

Favorite movie: Mamma Mia

Favorite website: Instagram

Dream job: President of a professional symphony orchestra or a professional musician

The one thing you cannot live without: Music

Role model: My mother

Your words to live by: “No one is you and that is your power.” – Dave Grohl