Resources available for those affected by disaster
East Carolina University understands students, faculty and staff have been impacted by the flooding in eastern North Carolina in many different ways. Some may find their homes or apartments in Greenville damaged or inaccessible – others have lost everything due to flooding in their hometown.
Whatever your situation may be, your ECU family is here to help. Listed below are links and phone numbers to people and organizations who can assist.
ECU Disaster Recovery Center
On Oct. 18, ECU opened a Disaster Recovery Center for ECU students, faculty and staff to provide a one-stop resource center for those impacted by Hurricane Matthew and its aftermath. The Recovery Center provided information and support related to Campus Living/Off Campus Student Services, Dowdy Student Store, ECU Police, Financial Aid, the Cashier’s Office and more.
Starting Oct. 20, the Dean of Students will operate the Recovery Center from its offices at the Wright Auditorium Annex. The ECU community can visit them on the third floor for specific information and resources or can call with questions to (252) 328-9297.
ECU Call Center – 252-737-5100
ECU established a call center to answer non-emergency questions related to flooding.
City of Greenville –
Monitor the City of Greenville website for the latest status of neighborhoods and apartment complexes evacuated due to flooding or the risk of flooding.
NC Department of Transportation –
The best resource for updated road closures and detour information.
ECU Student Affairs –
Visit ECU Student Affairs’ website for updated information on campus services and hours to include Dining, Transit and the Recreation Center.
Dean of Students Office – 252-328-9297
Students who have been impacted by flooding and need help finding alternate living arrangements can contact the Dean of Students Office. Students who are unable to return to campus due to flooding in other areas of the state may also contact the Dean of Students Office.
Additional links that may be helpful:
- Frequently Asked Questions about the impact of flooding on ECU
- ECU Transit
- Pitt County
- American Red Cross
- National Weather Service Tar River data
- Ways you can help