ECU bookstore donates to local ALS Chapter from T-shirt sale
ECU Dowdy Student Stores and its vendor, Perfect Promotions & More of Apex, presented $5,000 on July 21 to the ALS Association Jim “Catfish” Hunter Chapter.
The money was raised through sales of “Strike Out ALS” T-shirts at ECU Dowdy Student Stores and its souvenir booth at Clark-LeClair Stadium during baseball season. A portion of the sale of each shirt was donated by both Dowdy Student Stores and its vendor, Perfect Promotions and More.

T-shirt design
“Pirate fans have always been supportive of the cause-related T-shirts sold through our store on campus,” said Dowdy Student Stores Director Bryan Tuten. The university owned and operated bookstores also sells fund-raising T-shirts for military appreciation and cancer awareness during the fall semester.
Stephen McFadden, vice president of sales for Perfect Promotions, said he was proud to have a role in the effort. As a vendor of Dowdy Student Stores and an ECU alumnus, McFadden said he enjoys partnering with the store on projects like this that give back to the local community.
The check was presented by Dowdy Student Stores Manager Bryan Tuten, Auxiliary Services Director Willie Lee, Dowdy Student Stores Apparel & Merchandise Manager John Palmer, and Stephen McFadden. On hand to receive the check was the local ALS Chapter Chairman Mark Anthony and several others from the organization, along with one of the biggest supporters of the group, ECU Baseball Coach Cliff Godwin.
East Carolina’s bookstore is a university-run operation, receiving no state funding. The campus bookstore maintains its services through its sales. Profits are then directed back to campus through scholarship contributions and other donations to campus projects.
-by Leslie Craigle