ECU Women’s Roundtable to endow two student scholarships
The Women’s Roundtable at East Carolina University plans to endow two new undergraduate student scholarships through a two-year, $300,000 fundraising campaign.
The endowments will provide annual financial support for an ECU Access Scholar and an ECU Honors College Scholarship beginning in fall 2017.

Gail Herring, chair of The Women’s Roundtable
“It is a bold and ambitious goal that we hope will provide an occasion for East Carolina’s alumnae and dedicated women advocates to demonstrate the collective power of women’s philanthropy,” said Chair Gail Herring ’79, following a unanimous vote by the board during its spring meeting on April 16.
Board members also heard from a panel of student leaders and approved a two-year strategic plan at the meeting.
The Access Scholarship Program at ECU provides $5,000 per year ($2,500 per semester) to full-time North Carolina students with demonstrated financial need and proven academic potential. Recipients must complete at least 20 hours of volunteer service each year through ECU’s Volunteer and Service-Learning Center and must continue to meet financial and academic eligibility requirements.
The ECU Honors College is the only institution in the state that guarantees significant scholarship support to every admitted student, which is equivalent to the cost of in-state tuition for up to eight semesters (approximately $4,000 per year). The Honors College is a four-year merit scholarship program that enrolls 110 college freshmen each fall semester. Recipients must complete additional coursework, engage in volunteer and community activities and present a research thesis or creative endeavor project before graduation. Honors College students are held to the highest standards of scholarship, success and character.
Both Access Scholarships and Honors College Scholarships may be awarded to students in any undergraduate major.
Created in 2003, the Women’s Roundtable promotes the educational mission of ECU by funding student scholarships and building leadership and service capacity among women. The organization aims to increase awareness of philanthropy, strengthen ECU’s culture of giving and develop a strong alumnae and friend volunteer base. The Women’s Roundtable has contributed more than $220,000 to ECU scholarships and created awareness through special events.
For more information or to make a gift to the Women’s Roundtable, visit www.ecu.edu/womensroundtable, call 252-328-9597 or e-mail Stephanie Bunn, director of women’s philanthropy, at bunns@ecu.edu.