ECU students construct, destroy Berlin Wall replica
ECU marked the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War by installing and then tearing down a replica wall Nov. 3 – 6 on the brickyard near Mendenhall Student Center. The wall divided the city of Berlin, but also stood as a symbol for ongoing political divisions between the East and West.
Additional activities included a photo exhibition in Joyner Library (which runs through Nov. 15), a poetry reading, film screenings and panel discussions.
The “Fall of the Wall” events were organized to honor the fall of the Berlin Wall and other peaceful revolutions that have shaped the world since 1989. Activities were sponsored by the ECU Department of German in conjunction with the School of Music, School of Art and Design, and the Departments of Sociology and Construction Management.
More information can be found at www.ecu.edu/german.