ECU celebrates International Women’s Day

Members of the ECU community listen to a panel discussion on topics related to sex and safety during International Women’s Day, celebrated March 5 at ECU. (Photos by Jay Clark)
The Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Women hosted a series of discussions Wednesday, March 5 to mark International Women’s Day at East Carolina University. More than 100 students, faculty and staff attended.
Presentations lasted throughout the day and covered topics like social media benefits and challenges, sex and safety, international women and respect, moving from victim to challenger, financial health, and physical health and wellness. Featured speakers included representatives from the ECU Police Department, Student Involvement and Leadership, Campus Recreation and Wellness and the Victim’s Advocate Office.
The opening session also included partners from other countries participating via ECU’s Global Classroom, and the lunch discussion featured a panel of students from Canada, Kenya, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.
“Oxfam’s latest statistics show that women perform 66 percent of the work,
produce 50 percent of the food, earn 10 percent of the income and own 1 percent of property,” said Rai D’Honore, event organizer and CCSW member. “There is something terribly wrong with this picture.”
“International Women’s Day exists not only to celebrate women’s achievements but also to shed light on the necessity of bringing social and economic equality to all,” she said. “We hope in future years to expand the awareness of the ECU community on this issue so that it may participate in helping to actualize gender equality here at home and abroad.”
The group hopes, in particular, to draw greater participation by men, students in Greek organizations and athletes to future events.
Other International Women’s Day sponsors included the Ledonia Wright Cultural Center, the Office of Equity and Diversity, Student Affairs, Women’s Studies and the Kinesiology Student Association.

Women from universities around the world joined in discussions on International Women’s Day discussion via ECU’s Global Classroom.