Allied Health faculty earn accolades

Faculty in the College of Allied Health Sciences have reported a number of publications and accolades this summer.

Bonita Sasnett and Robert J. Campbell (Department of Health Services and Information), published “The Utility of the Team Notebook as a Teaching Tool for Team Learning,” in the Spring 2013 issue of the Journal of Health Administration Education.

Martha Chapin, professor in the Department of Additions and Rehabilitation Studies, and ECU doctoral graduate Andrew Byrne published, “Ethical Decision making Applied to Social Networking” in The Journal of Rehabilitation.

Leigh W. Cellucci, associate professor in the Department of Health Services and Information Management, was elected to a three-year term on the Association of University Programs in Health Administration Board of Directors during the organization’s annual meeting in June.

AUPHA is the accrediting association for ECU’s undergraduate degree in health services management. Its membership includes more than 180 graduate and undergraduate programs in North America along with hundreds of personal and corporate members. Its faculty and individual members represent more than 400 colleges and universities.