ECU students win regional quiz bowl competition

ECU students Jacob Ridings, Beth Ackerman, and Jonathan Powell, left to right, were winners of the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine quiz bowl competition. (Contributed photo)
Three East Carolina University students earned first place honors at the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine quiz bowl competition held February 14-16 in Greenville, S.C.
Three exercise physiology majors in the Department of Kinesiology in the College of Health and Human Performance made up the winning team. They were Jacob Ridings, Beth Ackerman and Jonathan Powell.
The ECU team defeated 19 other quiz bowl teams from across the region. The quiz bowl is styled after the television show “Jeopardy” with teams of three undergraduate students. Competition questions test students’ knowledge in a wide variety of exercise science related topics.
“The team’s success is a reflection of the excellent exercise physiology program at ECU,” said Kandy Houmard, teaching instructor and faculty mentor for the team. She said she was proud of the students who were “academically prepared” for the competition.
The winning team will represent the regional chapter at the national American College of Sports Medicine meeting in Indianapolis in May.