OAAS seeks nominations for excellence awards

The Organization of African American Staff seeks nominations for the ECU African-American Awards of Excellence.

The OAAS seeks to achieve a visible commitment of the inclusion and valuing of African -American staff, faculty and students at East Carolina University through the promotion of cultural and professional development, wellness, networking, mentorship, leadership, community outreach, scholarship and economic prosperity.

The inaugural ECU African-American Awards of Excellence recognizes outstanding contributions by ECU African-Americans. Nominees for the awards may include current and past ECU African American faculty, staff, students and administrators.

Nominations may also be made for outstanding ECU alumni who serve as community leaders.

Send the nomination letter to Dr. Lathan E. Turner and the OAAS Awards Committee, by Monday, Feb. 4that 5 p.m.  Email nomination letters to turnerla@ecu.edu  or mail to East Carolina University, C/O OAAS Award Selection Committee, Ledonia Wright Cultural Center, Mail Stop 426, Greenville, NC 27858.