ECU team wins international gaming competition

Members of the ECU Gaming Team celebrate with the championship trophy for besting the competition at the NVIDIA Call of Duty Black-Ops 2 Rivalries National Invitational Competition.
The East Carolina University Gaming Team won the inaugural NVIDIA Call of Duty Black-Ops 2 Rivalries National Invitational Competition Jan. 19 at the NVIDIA headquarters in Santa Clara, Calif.
The team acquired a wild card slot to participate, thanks to Facebook voting, which provided winners with a paid trip to the competition. Team members Michael Mangelli, Mathew Mangelli, Cliff Stubbs, Nate Kellum and Stephan Loehr competed and club secretary Rachel Pickens accompanied the team.
Each game was played following Call of Duty Team Deathmatch rules, with each team competing to earn the 75 point cap within the ten minute time limit. Other competitors included Oregon State University, University of California – Los Angeles, Stanford, the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University.
Team members won a desktop PC powered by NVIDIA GeForce GTX 690, with HD monitor and accessories, while ECU will receive GTX-powered desktop computers with HD monitors and accessories.
For additional information about the competition, visit