ECU Neuroscience Symposium to be Nov. 6

Research on spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis are among the topics to be discussed at the 14th annual East Carolina University Neuroscience Symposium on Tuesday, Nov. 6.

The daylong event will be at the Brody Medical Sciences Building at East Carolina University. It’s open to the public. Registration begins at 9 a.m. Opening remarks are at 11:45 a.m., and the event lasts until 5 p.m.

The keynote speaker is Dr. Oscar Lopez, director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at the University of Pittsburgh. His talk is titled “Prevention and Risk Factors for Dementia in the Elderly.”

Other topics to be discussed are “bath salts” drugs, the psychology of pain and regenerative axon growth in neurons, research aimed at repairing nerve damage.

The program is jointly sponsored by the national and Eastern Carolina chapter of the Society for Neuroscience and the Harriet and John Wooten Laboratory of Alzheimer’s Disease and Neurodegenerative Disease Research.

The event is $10 and $5 for students and senior citizens

For information about the event or to register, visit