APPRECIATION: ECU recognizes military service
Walter Pories, Steve Duncan and Sheldon Downes are among nine members of the ECU community who will be honored through induction into the Distinguished Military Service Society at ECU on Oct. 26. For additional information on each of the three, click on the individual’s photo or name.
Military appreciation events scheduled
Oct. 24, 2012
By Crystal Baity
ECU News Services
The purple and gold will honor the red, white and blue as East Carolina University hosts several military-related events leading up to Veterans Day. Read more…
Recovery outpaces expectations
Oct. 24, 2012
By Jeannine Manning Hutson
ECU News Services
When Army First Lt. Nathan Rimpf assists officials with the opening coin toss at Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium on Oct. 27, his family and friends from Raleigh will be in the stands cheering for him. And cheering his ability to walk onto the field. Read more…

PAVER DEDICATION: The Office of Military Programs will host a ceremony from 2 – 3 p.m. Nov. 9 to dedicate the engraved brick pavers added to the Memorial Walk for 2012. The pavers honor individuals who have provided service in support of national defense. Each 6 x 9 inch paver will be engraved with the honoree’s name and service details. Proceeds are used for Army and Air Force ROTC scholarships at ECU. Pictured above, ECU Masonry workers John Phillips, James Boyd and Ron Causey install pavers at the Freedom Walk on campus. Click here for more details about the paver campaign.
Photos by Cliff Hollis