Dowdy Student Store to host recycling event

Dowdy Student Stores at East Carolina University will host a campus-wide recycling event in honor of National Student Day Oct. 4, a day set aside by the National Association of College Stores to celebrate student community service and encourage service projects.

The bookstore is promoting recycling by asking members of the ECU community to drop their empty cans and plastic bottles in recycling barrels at Wright Plaza, rather than tossing them in the trash. Individuals who bring two or more bottles or cans to the Dowdy table will receive a Pirate car magnet. The magnets, provided by Coke, will be distributed one per person while supplies last.

Student orgranizations will engage in a recycling competition, with a Dowdy gift card awarded to the top three recyclers.

The event will run from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in front of the Dowdy Student Stores on Wright Plaza. In case of rain, the event will be held under the awning or inside the lobby.

A sale inside the store will be held as well.