Meet 20 new EC Scholars
Twenty incoming freshmen at East Carolina University were selected for the prestigious EC Scholars Program.
The four-year merit scholarship recognizes outstanding academic performance, commitment to community engagement and strong leadership skills. Recipients receive a scholarship for four years, along with a stipend for study abroad, for a total value of approximately $45,000.
For more details on each individual scholar, click on the name below each thumbnail image.
For more details on the EC Scholars Program, visit http://www.ecu.edu/ecscholars/ or contact Dr. Katie O’Connor, director of EC Scholars, at 252-328-6373 or oconnork@ecu.edu.

Led by curiosity

Bound for pediatric nursing

Set on surgery

Aspiring neurosurgeon

Aiming to make a difference

Helping others

Serving her ultimate goal

Ready to impact lives

Everything going his way

A future in problem solving

Kids’ nutritionist

Caring for exotic animals

A desire to help

Medical researcher

Drawn to a challenge

Nursing a natural fit


Meeting special needs

Open to the future