Medical & Health Sciences Foundation names new board members, officers
The East Carolina University Medical & Health Sciences Foundation has announced new officers and new directors for 2012. This foundation serves ECU’s Health Sciences Division.
The new officers for the ECU Medical & Health Sciences Foundation are:
James (Jim) W. Chesnutt, chairman

New ECU Medical & Health Sciences Foundation officers, left to right, are James W. Chesnutt, chairman, and Richard Brown, vice chairman (Contributed photo).
James W. Chesnutt graduated from East Carolina University in 1963 and completed UNC-Chapel Hill’s Young Executive Program in 1975. He has served as president and CEO of National Spinning Co. Inc., in Washington, N.C. since 1997 after working at Bank of America and Harriet and Henderson Yarns. He sits on the boards of directors at National Spinning Co., the North Carolina Manufacturers Association, the ECU College of Business Advisory Council and the ECU Board of Visitors. He is chair of the ECU Medical & Health Sciences Foundation and the National Council of Textile Organizations.
Richard Brown, vice chairman
Richard Brown served as the CFO of East Carolina University for 15 years before his retirement as executive vice chancellor for administration in 2004. A magna cum laude graduate in accounting from SUNY Binghamton, Brown worked four years as a CPA before starting a 15-year financial management career at SUNY Stony Brook. A member of the ECU Medical & Health Sciences Foundation board of directors since 2005, he has chaired the budget committee for much of that time as well as serving on the executive, audit and engagement committees. Brown resides in Emerald Isle, where he continues to use his professional experience and talents in various consulting and volunteer activities.
Stacy Brody, secretary
Stacy Brody was raised in Norfolk, Va. and attended the University of Maryland, where she earned a degree in journalism. Brody moved to Greenville 27 years ago and served as a buyer for Brody’s until after her children were born. She is an active community volunteer and currently serves on the boards of directors for the ECU Medical & Health Sciences Foundation, Friends of the Ronald McDonald House, Women for Women and Congregation Bayt Shalom.
New members of the ECU Medical & Health Sciences Foundation are:
Jon Day
Jonathan R. Day is a 1975 graduate of ECU with a BSBA. He has worked in the real estate business for 35 years in Greenville and eastern North Carolina. He is president and founder of Jon Day & Associates, a commercial real estate firm based in Greenville. He is a member of the Greenville Pitt Association of Realtors. He has served as past chairman of the Greenville Greenways Committee and previously served nine years on the Medical Foundation.
Douglas C. Privette, MD, FACC
Douglas C. Privette, MD, FACC, started medical school with the first class at ECU’s medical school in 1972. He graduated in 1976 and completed his internship and residency at UNC-Chapel Hill in 1979. Board certified in internal medicine and cardiology, Privette started private practice in internal medicine and cardiology in 1981 with Quadrangle Internal Medicine and Cardiology. In 1985, he started the interventional cardiology program at Pitt County Memorial Hospital in 1985, started Regional Cardiology in 1992 and Coastal Carolina Cardiology in 1999. He retired in 2009 and currently serves as the director of regional cardiology at the East Carolina Heart Institute at Vidant Health Systems.