‘Pirates From Afarrr’ serves distance ed students

ECU distance education students can now connect with each other more easily thanks to Allisha Ellis, a non-traditional ECU distance education student.

Ellis, a first-year health services management major, created the first DE student organization, “Pirates From Afarrr,” as an opportunity for DE students to meet others who share similar situations and to network with one another.

Jennifer Baysden in the ECU Office of Continuing Studies helped Ellis develop the organization’s constitution. Ellis serves as president, with Kellie Dunne as secretary. About 30 members haveĀ  already joined.

Ellis said she hopes the organization will lead to study group opportunities, networking, career and education mentoring and social events for students living in similar regions. She has also reserved a space for the group on ECU’s Second Life campus.

“I truly believe the possibilities are endless,” Ellis said. “There are many ways to make this organization for work for everyone while also making it fun.”

Ellis said her primary goal is to create a community for ECU’s distance education students so they will “know that they are not alone and there are others to draw strength from.”

“This alone can instill an even greater pride in our institution,” she said.

For additional information, contact Ellis at ELLISA91@students.ecu.edu
