Tenure, promotion workshops scheduled for Feb. 10
The Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Women is sponsoring a Tenure and Promotion workshop and a Promotion workshop Feb. 10.
Participants may register for either or both workshops by visiting the Office for Faculty Excellence web site at http://www.ecu.edu/cs-acad/ofe/Sp12.cfm.
The two workshops share a common opening session at 1 p.m. in Mendenhall 244, followed by discussion of the faculty manual, PAD and faculty panel for those interested in both tenure and promotion. A workshop for those interested in promotion only begins at 2:30 in Mendenhall 221, with discussion on promotion procedures and issues, as well as a panel discussion.
Participants who register for both may leave the T&P workshop after break and move to the promotion event.
For additional information contact co-chairs Beth Velde (veldeb@ecu.edu), Puri Martinez (martinezp@ecu.edu) or Cheryl Stevens (stevensc@ecu.edu).