ECU’s Advising Center offers training to promote health and wellness

Tami Maes, a research assistant in ECU's Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, teaches biofeedback breathing techniques during a wellness workshop for ECU advisors. (Photo by Chuck Baldwin)
The East Carolina University Advising Center in the College of Health and Human Performance recently took steps to fight back against the ill effects of a sedentary work environment with a Dec. 2 workshop for ECU advisors on Wellness in the Workplace.
Twenty-five advisors attended the event, where they learned about healthy food options for those with a busy schedule, management of stressful workloads and appropriate breathing techniques. Dr. Lucas Carr, assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology, shared practical methods for increasing physical activity in the workplace.
Randy Gilland, director of the Health and Human Performance advising center said that he emphasizes with students the college’s mission to improve health, wellbeing and quality of life. The workshop helped extend that mission across campus, he said.
The training was offered as part of the ECU Advisor Collaborative Training Committee.