College of Education journal publishes Open Theme issue

The editorial team of the Journal of Curriculum and Instruction has published a new issue of the journal at The journal has been produced since 2007 in East Carolina University’s College of Education, in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Executive editor is Dr. Diane Kester in the College of Education.
The recent issue features lead editor Dr. Amy Broemmel, associate professor at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. Broemmel co-wrote the introductory article with Karen Lucas, assistant editor and doctoral candidate at University of Tennessee. They introduced the issue with an article entitled, “Navigating the ever-changing educational system.”
Additional articles include “Finding and redefining the meaning of teaching: Exploring the experiences of mid-career teachers”; “Investigating the Relationship between Elementary Teacher Mathematics Anxiety, Mathematics Instructional Practices, and Student Mathematics Achievement”; and “High School Philosophy Teachers’ Use of Textbooks: Critical Thinking or Teaching to the Text?”
The Journal of Curriculum and Instruction is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that provides a forum for the dissemination of articles focused on research, practice, and related issues relevant to teaching and learning in the preK-12 environment.