ECU graduate student awarded for educational video

ECU graduate student Ken Hubbard won a first place award for his educational video posted above.
An East Carolina University graduate student won a first place award for his educational video, “Matchstick Rockets,” which demonstrates laws of physics through creation of miniature rockets using household matches.
Ken Hubbard won the Immersive Learning Awards competition, an international competition sponsored by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology.
Immersive learning refers to an environment in which students learn while completely absorbed in the educational material presented to them. The winning products in the competition meet learning objectives while incorporating technology and interactivity to engage students in the learning process.
The competition was open to graduate students, faculty, corporate trainers and K-12 teachers. Quality of submitted multimedia presentations as well as effectiveness in demonstrating learning outcomes were considered in determining the winner.
Hubbard is pursuing a master of arts in education in instructional technology at ECU. He completed the video as part of an assignment in a summer course, web teaching design and development.
For additional information, contact Dr. Abbie Brown, associate professor in ECU’s College of Education, at