Celebrating the National Day on Writing October 20 at ECU

The Tar River Writing Project at East Carolina University will host a celebration of the National Day on Writing Oct. 20 on campus and online.
The celebration will include

  • A gallery exhibit in Joyner Library showcasing past and present ECU student writing
  • Activities for writers of all ages at Joyner Library in 45-minute sessions. Writers will have the opportunity to participate in a writing marathon, speak to a panel of ECU students and published faculty member-authors about their writing, listen to ECU students and faculty read from their works, and write on a graffiti wall.
  • Tar River Writing Project Virtual Gallery hosted by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) within the National Gallery of Writing.

Approximately 200 Pitt County Schools students in grades kindergarten through 12th are scheduled to participate in on campus events.
Writers who can’t make it to campus Oct. 20 can submit their writing to the Tar River Writing Project Virtual Gallery, according to gallery curators Christina Bethel and Matthew Herrmann, both ECU graduate students in the Department of English.
Writers – from students and educators to business owners and retirees – have submitted works to the National Gallery of Writing, an online gallery that showcases submissions from writers of all ages and talents. Submissions include kindergarten picture messages, YouTube videos, poems, emails, short stories, and journal entries.
While original submissions of any length or form on any topic by local writers will be accepted, the ECU group is interested in submissions relating to Eastern North Carolina, campus organizers said.
Established in 2009 by the National Council of Teachers of English, the National Day on Writing celebrates composition in all forms – from stories, poems, and letters to text messages, videos, and audio recordings – and demonstrates how writing is a vital part of our everyday lives. Thousands of writers from across the country recognize the National Day on Writing with local events, including write-ins, talks by local authors, and poetry slam celebrations.
Tips for writers, writing resources for educators, and more information on the National Day on Writing and the National Gallery of Writing, an online gallery that showcases submissions from writers of all ages and talents, can be found on the NCTE website.
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