PREMIER LECTURE: Sir Salman Rushdie on campus
PREMIER LECTURE: Author Sir Salman Rushdie spoke at East Carolina University Wednesday evening as part of the university’s Voyages of Discovery lecture series. Rushdie’s controversial 1988 novel, “The Satanic Verses” led to violent protests, death threats and a fatwā issued against him by then Iranian leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Rushdie spent a decade in hiding as a result. Pictured above, left to right, are Dr. Jeffrey Johnson, English department chair, Rushdie and Dr. Alan White, dean of the Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences. At upper right, the crowd listens as Rushdie presents, “Public Events, Private Lives: Literature and Politics in the Modern World”; and upper left, Rushdie appears at the lectern. For additional information about Rushdie and the Voyages series, visit