Grant to fund student oncology group

East Carolina University has been awarded an Oncology Nursing Society Foundation grant that will develop a student oncology interest group to increase awareness of the oncology specialty and explore roles of various health disciplines in oncology. This $3,000 grant is funded by Meniscus Limited.
The College of Nursing, Brody School of Medicine and the Physician Assistant Studies program in the College of Allied Health Sciences will work together to form student interest groups in each discipline. Student leaders from each group will meet with faculty advisors to plan their monthly meetings for the academic year.
The groups will consider topics related to pain management, alternative therapies, hematological malignancies and thoracic oncology with a focus on multidisciplinary teams and communication between disciplines.
Faculty advisors are Dr. Ann Schreier, associate professor of nursing, Dr. Darla Liles, associate professor of medicine, and Carolyn Pugh, clinical assistant professor of physician assistant studies.