Three Down, One to Go with Help from Prestigious Scholarship

Trey and Kristi Sloan

By Kathy Muse

Once, twice, three times a Pirate and he’s not done yet.
Ruben “Trey” Sloan III is proud to say that he is a three-time graduate of the College of Health and Human Performance, East Carolina University and excited to continue his ambitious studies.
The Deep Run native dreams of becoming a medical doctor to serve the citizens of his home state.
Thanks to the University of North Carolina Board of Governor’s Medical Scholarship-Loan Program, he is one step closer to reaching this goal.
Sloan has been selected to receive the competitive four-year scholarship to attend the Brody School of Medicine.  The scholarship provides an annual stipend of $5,000 plus tuition, mandatory fees, medical insurance and a laptop computer.  Renewal each year is contingent upon meeting all eligibility requirements and continued funding by the North Carolina General Assembly.
“I was overwhelmed with a sense of relief and gratitude when I learned about receiving this scholarship,” Sloan said.  “Knowing that many of my expenses will be paid is a great feeling,” he added.
Scholars are selected on the basis of academic merit, financial need, along with a commitment to practice medicine in North Carolina following graduation.
Sloan will enter medical school this fall as a distinguished graduate boasting a 3.96 grade point average.  He served as president of the Department of Kinesiology Graduate Student Organization and was appointed to the Dean’s Student Advisory Committee for the 2008-2009 academic year.
Dr. Ron Cortright, professor in the Department of Kinesiology (formerly Exercise and Sport Science), taught Sloan during his first year as a doctoral student, said “I immediately saw his intellect, creativity, and passion for learning through classroom participation and on critical thinking exams.”
Sloan’s affection for ECU is double fold.  It is here that he met his wife, Kristi Sloan, and got engaged under the cupola on campus.
He earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Exercise Physiology and a doctoral degree in Bioenergetics and Exercise Science.  She earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and in Nursing.