Students, faculty learn to deal with conflict

Students listen as Ira Lawson, Grad Asst. in the ECU Center for Student Leadership & Civic Engagement explains the purpose of discussion in the small group.
The College of Allied Health Sciences Student Leaders Council recently hosted a Lunch and Learn on July 18. The focus of the event was “Dealing with Conflict”.
Dr. Stephen Thomas, dean, welcomed approximately 35 students and faculty from the College of Allied Health Sciences and the College of Nursing. During the session, the attendees discovered ways to reach their maximum potential by learning how to effectively identify and handle conflict. The event was highlighted by small group activities that encouraged collaboration between the various attendees.
Krista Wilhelm, assistant director of the Center for Student Leadership & Civic Engagement, and Ira Lawson, graduate assistant at the center, facilitated the event.
The Lunch and Learn was supported by the 2011 BB&T Leadership Enhancement Grant awarded to the College. The BB&T grant committee for the college is led by Dr. Beth Velde, professor. Serving on the coordinating committee are Thomas; Dr. Kathy Cox, associate professor; Dr. Kevin O’Brien, associate dean; and Dr. Leigh Cellucci, associate professor.