Lifelong Learning Program summer class examines Kerouac, Beat Generation

Alex Albright

East Carolina University’s Lifelong Learning Program will present “Satori in Rocky Mount: Jack Kerouac’s Carolina Road,” a class on the Beat Generation and Jack Kerouac’s role in it, June 21 in Braswell Library, Rocky Mount.
ECU English professor Alex Albright will lead the class, focusing particular attention to 1947 through 1956, when Kerourac was in North Carolina. Students will visit houses from Kerouac’s novels, “The Dharma Bums,” set partially in Rocky Mount and “On the Road,” in which a fictional town depicts Rocky Mount. Students are encouraged to read both novels in advance to better appreciate the class. A library exhibit on Rocky Mount’s history will include samples of Kerouac’s correspondence, in his own handwriting or from his typewriter.
Albright is director of creative writing in ECU’s English Department, where he has taught since 1981. He has published numerous articles on Kerouac, especially his time spent in North Carolina, and has taught honors courses on the Beat Generation.
Students will depart for the class from the Willis Building at First and Reade streets in Greenville.  Class is scheduled from 1 p.m. until 6 p.m. The program fee, including transportation and snacks, is $25 for Lifelong Learning Program members and $45 for non-members. Registrations by June 20 will be accepted on a space-available basis.
The Lifelong Learning Program is an outreach program for adults 50 and older who enjoy learning in a relaxed atmosphere. Additional summer classes include Pilobolus and More, June 30 and an Art Appreciation Tour of the North Carolina Museum of Art, July 20.
For additional details about the program or to register, call the Office of Continuing Studies at (252) 328-9198 or visit