ECU professor examines experience of women immigrants

East Carolina University sociology professor Susan Pearce has co-authored a book that chronicles the experiences of female immigrants living in the United States today.
“Immigration and Women: Understanding the American Experience” incorporates Census data and personal interviews with women of diverse backgrounds to tell their stories about acclimating to the American culture while caring for children and families, venturing into the workforce, producing creative works and championing for social change.
“We recommend changes for public policy to address the constraints these women face,” Pearce said, noting that the new policy must address the diverse profiles of today’s immigrating woman. “She is both potentially vulnerable to exploitative conditions and forging new avenues of societal leadership,” Pearce said.
Pearce is co-editor of “Reformulations: Markets, Policy and Identities in Central and Eastern Europe” and “Mosaics of Change: The First Decade of Life in the New Eastern Europe.” She also published a research blog on the 20th anniversary commemorations of 1989 in East-Central Europe at
Published by New York University Press, the book is co-authored by Elizabeth Clifford, associate professor of sociology at Towson University in Maryland, and Reena Tandon, sessional lecturer in South Asian Studies at the University of Toronto.
For additional information, contact Pearce at 252-328-2544 or