Appointments and Elections

December 2010/January 2011

Will Banks (English) was invited to join the advisory board for, which works to provide high-quality education materials that align to national standards. Banks also joined the board for the North Carolina English Teacher Association.
Kirk St. Amant (English) was elected member at large on the executive committee of the Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication.
Lorraine Hale Robinson (English) was appointed to the advisory board for Martin Community College, to the board of directors of the Friends of Hope Plantation, and to the board of directors for the North Carolina Literary and Historical Association.

November 2010

James Kleckley (Business) was appointed to the board of directors for the Association for University Business and Economic Research for 2010-11.
Jennifer Hodgson (Child Development and Family Relations) was named president of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, a national organization that promotes collaboration between psychosocial, biomedical, nursing and other healthcare providers.
Tejas Desai (Internal Medicine) was named to the national board of directors of the American Association of Kidney Patients.
Steven Schmidt (Education) was elected secretary and member of the executive board of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education at the organization’s annual conference in Clearwater Beach, Fla.

October 2010

Bobby Lowery, Pam Reis and Susan Williams (Nursing) were appointed by the N.C. Board of Nursing to the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Advisory Committee, which will study licensure, accreditation, certification and education models.
Stephen W. Thomas (Allied Health Sciences) was named to a state committee examining the impact of federal health reform legislation on North Carolina, an effort led by Lanier Cansler, secretary of the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services, and Wayne Goodwin, commissioner of the N.C. Department of Insurance and state fire marshal.
Gregg D. Givens (Communication Sciences and Disorders) was elected to a three-year term on the board of directors of the National Council of State Boards of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.

September 2010

Mark Scholl (Education) was appointed to a three-year term as member of the editorial board of the Journal of College Counseling.
Ron Mitchelson (Geography) was appointed senior research fellow in residence for ECU’s Research and Graduate Studies.

July/August 2010

Doug Smith (East Carolina Alumni Association) was elected to the Council of Alumni Membership and Marketing Professionals Board of Directors at the organization’s annual conference on July 15. He will serve a two-year term as treasurer.
Paul R. G. Cunningham (Medicine) accepted an honorary chairmanship of the Inner Banks’ Project of the outer Banks Relief Foundation/The Surf Club.
Gary Vanderpool (Health Sciences Administration and Finance) has been named president of the board of directors for Carolina Donor Services, a regional organ-procurement organization.
George G. Fenich (Hospitality Management) was appointed associate editor of the Journal of Convention and Event Tourism. He has served on the editorial board since the inception of the journal in the early 1990s.
Nursing faculty Bobby Lowery, Pam Reis and Susan Williams were appointed to the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse advisory committee.

May/June 2010

Steven R. Sligar (Rehabilitation Studies) was named co-editor of the Vocational Evaluation and Career Assessment Professionals Journal. Min Kim, PhD student in rehabilitation counseling and administration, was selected as managing editor.
Kathleen T. Cox (Communication Sciences and Disorders) is president-elect of the North Carolina Speech, Hearing & Language Association. Her term as president will begin in July 2011.
Lorraine Hale Robinson (English) was elected to the Friends of Hope Plantation (Windsor, N.C.). The Friends assist in the continued maintenance and preservation of the Historic Hope restoration.

April 2010

William Meggs (Medicine) was re-elected as a toxicology representative to the American College of Emergency Physicians Council and will continue to serve on the ACEP Council steering committee.
Tami Tomasello (Communication) was invited to serve as associate editor for the International Journal of Interactive Communication Systems and Technologies. The inaugural issue was scheduled to print in January.

February 2010

Stephen W. Thomas (Allied Health Sciences) was elected as chair for a two-year term of the Council for Allied Health in North Carolina. The CAHNC represents allied health educators, employers of allied health providers, and allied health professionals. The Council keeps pace with trends and needs in allied health and manages statewide workforce studies used in projecting future educational needs.
The Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina appointed as regional council members, Philip Rogers, executive assistant to the chancellor, and Ann Harrison, retired gifted and special education professor. Steve Jones, ECU Board of Trustees, joined the council as chairman in September.

January 2010

Kim Dixon (Psychiatric Medicine) was elected to a two-year term as treasurer of the Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers.
Peggy Goodman (Emergency Medicine) was re-appointed to the North Carolina Domestic Violence Commission by Gov. Beverly E. Perdue. This is Goodman’s 6th two-year appointment to the commission. Goodman was invited by the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence to serve on the North Carolina State Steering Committee for the CDC’s DELTA (Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancement and Leadership Through Alliances) Project, which studies and develops programs for the primary prevention of intimate partner violence and other forms of family violence. In addition, Goodman was named chair of the American Public Health Association Family Violence Prevention Forum, a group of over 600 APHA members and 200 affiliate members from 44 states and nine countries. She is also its newsletter editor.
Mack McCarthy (Athletics) was named honorary chairman for Live Healthy Greenville for the second year.
Jane Miles (Nursing) began her term this summer as president of the board of directors of the Association for Home and Hospice Care of North Carolina.

November 2009

Larry Donley (Career Center) was elected president-elect of the Southern Association of Student Employment Administrators for 2010.
Alan R. White (Arts and Sciences) was elected to the board of directors of the Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences.

October 2009

Lisa Campbell (Health Disparities, Psychology) was appointed to a National Institutes of Health study section on behavioral medicine interventions and outcomes. Campbell was also named guest editor for the Journal of Best Practices in Health Professions Diversity, for a special issue on black male health.