Eighty-five faculty and staff recognized for published work

GREENVILLE, N.C.   —   Eighty-five East Carolina University faculty and staff were honored Nov. 16 for their published works at Laupus Library’s fifth annual Health Sciences Author Recognition Awards.

The awards were expanded this year to include faculty and staff from the Division of Health Sciences at ECU. Previously only faculty members were eligible.

Faculty and staff submitted 220 entries – 213 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters and seven books – published between Jan. 1, 2009 and June 30.

A bibliography is available at http://www.ecu.edu/laupuslibrary/hsar/.

“The awards ceremony is designed to pay tribute to our colleagues who expand the scholarly culture of our university and the research reputation of the Division of Health Sciences through their published works,” said Dr. Dorothy Spencer, associate vice chancellor for communication and information resources and director of Laupus Library, which hosted the awards ceremony and dinner reception for honorees at the Greenville Hilton. The event was sponsored by Matthews Medical Books and Friends of Laupus Library.

Dr. Phyllis Horns, vice chancellor for health sciences, presented the book authors with a Laupus bronze, a special award named for the first dean of ECU’s medical school, William E. Laupus. They were Martha Alligood from the College of Nursing, Eric Bailey, Charles Boklage and Annette Greer from the Brody School of Medicine, Jeffrey Coghill from Laupus Library, and Susie Harris and Patricia Royal from the College of Allied Health Sciences.

“Our faculty hold true to what we call scholarship,” said Dr. Stephen Thomas, dean of the College of Allied Health Sciences. “There is nothing more exhilarating than the discovery of new knowledge. Our basic science, clinical and translational research make what we do important in pushing health care forward.” Thomas recognized Jason Brinkley, Robert Campbell, Martha Chapin, Anne Dickerson, Denise Donica, Gregg Givens, Amy Gross McMillan, Susie Harris, Monica Hough, Walter Jenkins, Michael Kennedy, Elizabeth Layman, Jane Painter, Patricia Royal, Shari Sias, Leonard Trujillo, Beth Velde and Paul Vos.

“We’re very excited about the work you’re doing in this era of evidence-based practice,” said Dr. Sylvia Brown, dean of the College of Nursing. Brown, who also published, recognized Martha Alligood, Tamara Congdon, Robin Webb Corbett, Martha Engelke, Laura Gantt, Darlene Elizabeth Jesse, Barbara Kellam, Janice Neil, Annette Peery, Marie Pokorny, Melissa Schwartz, Michelle Taylor Skipper, Melinda Walker and Carol Winters-Moorhead.

Spencer recognized four authors from Laupus Library: Kathy Cable, Jeffrey Coghill, Gina Firnhaber and Katherine Rickett.

Dr. James Hupp, dean of the School of Dental Medicine, was honored for his published works. He commended Spencer’s vision in creating the award program, and congratulated all authors who get peer-reviewed articles submitted and accepted in a highly competitive arena.

Spencer thanked Dr. Richard Eakin, chancellor emeritus at ECU and founding chair of the Friends of Laupus Library, for his service with a specially-mounted Laupus bronze. Evelyn Laupus, Rep. Marian McLawhorn and Dr. Walter Pories were the founding honorary chair and co-chairs respectively. In 2011, Dr. Greg Hassler will serve as chair of the Friends group, which provides support for special programs and activities of the library. For more information, go to http://www.ecu.edu/laupuslibrary/friends.