Henry Peel named interim dean of education

Dr. Henry A. Peel, an associate dean of the School of Education at East Carolina University, has been named interim dean of the school, effective Aug. 1.

He will succeed Dr. Charles Coble, who has been appointed interim associate vice president for academic affairs of the University of North Carolina system.

Dr. Richard Ringeisen, vice chancellor for academic affairs at ECU, said, “Charlie Coble has worked tirelessly for the improvement of teachers and public schools throughout the state of North Carolina, and his innovative leadership has helped make our School of Education a national leader. We will miss him on our campus, but we wish him well and we know he will bring the same vision and dedication to his new position that he brought to ECU.”

Peel has been a member of the education faculty at ECU since 1989. “Dr. Peel is a talented and experienced scholar and administrator,” Ringeisen said. “He clearly has the confidence of the chairs and the faculty members in the school. He will continue the tradition of excellence that has been established at the School of Education.”

Peel earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from ECU and a doctorate in educational administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Before joining the ECU faculty, he was a teacher, counselor, assistant principal and pupil personnel director in North Carolina public schools. He is the author of seven books or book chapters and 15 articles in research journals.

Ringeisen said a search committee will be named after the beginning of the fall semester to screen candidates for the deanship. The position should be filled by the fall semester of 1997, he said.