ECU to recognize area educators

East Carolina University’s School of Education will recognize the work of eight North Carolinians at its annual awards ceremony in Wright Auditorium on Tuesday (Feb. 6) at 7:30 p.m.

Those being recognized for their contributions to education from Pitt County are: Phillip R. Dixon of Greenville, an attorney; Robert N. Joyner, an ECU professor; Judith H. Budacz, an elementary school principal; Nancy T. Harris of Farmville, a school media center coordinator; Vivian M. Covington of Farmville, a teacher, and Janie Manning of Bethel, a retired teacher.
Also on the list of honorees are Ann R. Weaver, an art teacher in Kenly, and Bradford L. Sneeden, the superintendent of schools for Craven County. Each of the recipients hold one or more degrees from ECU.

The School of Education will present the awards at the annual James W. Batten Distinguished Educator Lecture and Awards Ceremony. Dr. Batten, a retired education professor, established the awards and lecture program to recognize the work of educators and others who are ECU graduates. The lecture part of the program introduce students, faculty and professional teachers to visiting scholars. Dr. Valeria Lovelace of New York, the assistant vice president and Director of Research for the acclaimed children TV program “Sesame Street,” will give the featured address. Her topic is “Teaching Tips From Sesame Street.”

The awards ceremony is the 14th in the program series that is held annually.