ECU fall enrollment announced

Enrollment for the fall semester at East Carolina University is 17,728, according to the ECU Registrar’s Office that released enrollment figures today.

The total number of students is nearly the same as in the fall of 1992. Last fall, ECU’s enrollment was 17,757, a dramatic increase over the year before.
Included in the 1993 figures for ECU are 10,041 women and 7,687 men. There are 14,776 undergraduates and 2,952 graduate students. The number of students attending on a part time basis rose by 155. There are 3,222 part time students in the enrollment count. Chancellor Richard Eakin said the stable enrollment this fall will give ECU a chance to catch up from last year’s big increase that put a strain on the system.

“I consider the fact that our enrollment is virtually level with last year to be a very positive development for East Carolina University,” Eakin said. “Last year, we had an eleven hundred increase that strained every system at the institution. This should help us to catch our breath and to make sure we are in a good position to go forward with any future enrollment growth that we may wish to bring about,” he said.

Classes began Aug. 23.